High reliability is achieved using advanced packaging method Bulk. A MICROPROCESSOR, RISC represents the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type. In total, 478 terminations have been made. Using a 1.3V voltage supply, the microprocessor should turn on and run. It is an architecture with 64 bits. CPUs operate with a frequency of 2.2GHz Hz. You can refer to the datasheets for the functions of 478 pins. It is recommended that the CPU microprocessor is not operated in an environment with a temperature of more than 100°C. This CPU is widely used in many applications because of its Through Hole mount. A CPU operating at 2.2GHz frequency is expected. A CPU can receive voltage 34500mA higher than 34500mA. normally, the microprocessor should not receive a voltage higher than 1.3V. The lowest voltage that should be applied to the micro processor is 1.14V.
RH80532GC049512SL6VB Features
64-Bit Structure
RH80532GC049512SL6VB Applications
There are a lot of Intel RH80532GC049512SL6VB Microprocessor applications.