A high level of reliability is provided by using an advanced packaging method Bulk. There is MICROPROCESSOR MICROPROCESSOR in the uPs, uCs, or peripheral ICs categories. A total of 84 terminations have been recorded. Turn on the cpu microprocessor and let it run with a 5V voltage supply. There are 16 bits in its architecture. With a maximum supply current of 5.5V, it has a maximum power consumption. The CPU's external data bus width is 16. Injecting pins into the embedded microprocessor body results in 84 pins. In this CPU microprocessor, the clock frequency is 0 Hz. It is specified in the datasheet that this micro processor requires 5V power supplies. 108mA voltage higher than 108mA can be supplied to the CPU. Don't forget the microprocessor's additional features like: DRAM REFRESH CONTROLLER; 3 PROGRAMMABLE TIMERS; EMULATION HARDWARE; NUMERIC COPROCESSOR INTERFACE. Over -40°C is the recommended operating environment. 6 hardware interrupts are terminated externally. The 2 serial I/Os are set to exchange data between peripherals.
TN80C186EB20 Features
16-Bit Structure
TN80C186EB20 Applications
There are a lot of Intel TN80C186EB20 Microprocessor applications.