A member of the ConnectCore® Series, this MCUs can be found in this category.In order for microprocessor to continue to function accurately, microprocessor must continue to operate exactly at 177MHz frequency as long as microprocessor remains accurate.In addmicroprocessorion to that, microprocessor is packaged wmicroprocessorh Module.At the time of this microprocessor, the maximum operating temperature is 70°C.As far as the temperature is concerned, microprocessor should be warmer than 0°C when microprocessor is operating.There is a 3.3V volt supply that powers this microcontrollers, which is used as its operating voltage.In this case, the value chosen for data storage is EEPROM, FLASH, NAND, SDRAM.Microchips such as these embed a memory of 128MB that can be used to store data and programs that need to be updated.
CC-9P-T237-Z1 Features
CC-9P-T237-Z1 Applications
There are a lot of Digi CC-9P-T237-Z1 Microcontroller, Microprocessor, FPGA Modules applications.