The IPB200N25N3 G is an N-channel Power MOSFET produced based on OptiMOS? leading benchmark technology. It is perfectly suited for synchronous rectification in 48V systems, DC-to-DC converters, uninterruptable power supplies (UPS), and inverters. The Operating and Storage Temperature Range is between -55 and 175??. And the MOSFET IPB200N25N3 G is in the TO-263-3 package with 300W power dissipation.
IPB200N25N3 G Features
Industry's lowest RDS (ON)
Lowest Qg and Qgd
The world's lowest FOM, MSL 1 rated
Highest efficiency
Highest Power density
Minimal device paralleling required
Environmentally friendly
Easy-to-design-in products
Ideal for high-frequency switching and synchronous rectification
Qualified according to JEDEC for the target application