In the package 144-LBGA, this product is provided. Having 97 I/Os makes data transfers more coherent. The Surface Mount-slot connector on the FPGA module can be connected to the development board. With a supply voltage of 1.14V~1.575V, this device operates with ease. FPGAs belonging to the ProASIC3L series are a type of FPGA that belong to the ProASIC3L series of FPGAs. In order to ensure a safe and efficient operation, it is important to maintain a temperature within 0°C~85°C TJ at all times. There is an FPGA model contained in Tray in order to conserve space. The RAM bits that are offered by this fpga chips are 147456. If you are looking for related parts, you can use the base part number A3P1000L as a starting point. A significant amount of RAM is allocated to this FPGA module to ensure that the program can operate normally. This cable has 144 pins and is designed to connect to a computer. Having stated that, if this FPGA is mounted in Surface Mount, then it may be able to perform fantastically according to its specifications. Its flexibility can be fully utilized when operating with a 1.2V supply voltage. This module is capable of operating at a maximum temperature of 70°C. There should be a temperature difference between 0°C and the operating temperature. The basic building block of this system consists of 1000000 gates. The structure of the registers used to store and transfer data consists of 24576 registers. The maximum supply voltage it supports is 1.26V. With a minimum supply voltage of 1.14V, it can operate. This FPGA can get as fast as 892.86MHz. It employs 144-FPBGA (13x13) as its supplier device package.
A3P1000L-1FG144 Features
97 I/Os Up to 147456 RAM bits 144 LABs/CLBs 70°C gates 24576 registers
A3P1000L-1FG144 Applications
There are a lot of Microsemi Corporation A3P1000L-1FG144 FPGAs applications.