In the package 896-BGA, this product is provided. This kind of FPGA is composed of FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY. There are 620 I/Os for better data transfer. It is powered from a supply voltage of 1.5V. With a Surface Mount connector, this FPGA module can be attached to the development board. Fpga chips operates wFpga chipsh a supply voltage of 1.425V~1.575V. It is a type of FPGA that belongs to the ProASIC3E series of FPGAs. Fpga chips is important to maintain the operating temperature wFpga chipshin the range of -40°C~100°C TJ when operating the machine. Using the Tray layout, this FPGA model can be contained in a very small amount of space. Fpga chips is designed wFpga chipsh 896 terminations. A device like this one offers 516096 RAM bits, which is a considerable amount of memory. In order to find related parts, you can use its base part number A3PE3000. For the program to work properly, the RAM si63kBe of this FPGA module must reach 63kB GB in order to ensure normal operation. The device has 896 pins which are included in the design. I think, as long as this FPGA is mounted in Surface Mount, it could perform excellently according to its specifications as long as you mount it in Surface Mount. With a 1.5V supply voltage, designers can fully utilize the flexibility of the device. As a basic building block, fpga semiconductor consists of 3000000 gates. Fpga semiconductor is important to note that the data is stored and transferred in 75264 different registers. As far as the speed of this FPGA is concerned, it can get up to 310MHz.
A3PE3000-2FG896I Features
620 I/Os Up to 516096 RAM bits 896 LABs/CLBs 75264 registers
A3PE3000-2FG896I Applications
There are a lot of Microsemi Corporation A3PE3000-2FG896I FPGAs applications.