In the package 484-BGA, this product is provided. This kind of FPGA is composed of FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY. A total of 233 I/Os are programmed to ensure a more coherent data transfer. A fundamental building block contains 12084 logic elements or cells. An electrical supply voltage of 1.2V powers it. There is a Field Programmable Gate Arrays family component in this FPGA part. An attachment Surface Mount allows the FPGA module to be attached to the development board. There is a 1.14V~2.625V-volt supply voltage required for the device to operate. It is a type of FPGA that belongs to the IGLOO2 series of FPGAs. In order to ensure a safe and efficient operation, it is important to maintain a temperature within 0°C~85°C TJ at all times. In this device, 233 outputs are incorporated in order to provide you with maximum flexibility. As a result of space limitations, this FPGA model has been included in Tray. The total number of terminations is 484. The RAM bits that are offered by this fpga chips are 933888. M2GL010 is the base part number that can be used to identify related parts. The RAM si114kBe of this FPGA module reaches 114kB to ensure normal operation of the program. Power is supplied to the device by a 1.2V battery.
M2GL010-1FGG484 Features
233 I/Os Up to 933888 RAM bits
M2GL010-1FGG484 Applications
There are a lot of Microsemi Corporation M2GL010-1FGG484 FPGAs applications.