20-DIP (0.300, 7.62mm)is the way it is packaged. As part of the package Tube, it is embedded. The output it is configured with uses Non-Inverted. JK flip flop uses Positive Edgeas the trigger. Through Holeis occupied by this electronic component. Powered by a 4.5V~5.5Vvolt supply, it operates as follows. It is operating at a temperature of 0°C~70°C TA. The type of this D latch is D-Type. In FPGA terms, D flip flop is a type of 74Fseries FPGA. You should not exceed 170MHzin the output frequency of the device. A total of 1elements are present in it. This process consumes 38mA quiescents. The number of terminations is 20. The 74F273family includes it. Power is supplied from a voltage of 5V volts. A device of this type belongs to the family of F/FAST. This part is included in FF/Latches. There is a 5.5Vmaximum supply voltage (Vsup). Normal operation requires a supply voltage (Vsup) above 4.5V. The power supply is 5V.
N74F273AN,602 Features
Tube package 74F series 5V power supplies
N74F273AN,602 Applications
There are a lot of NXP USA Inc. N74F273AN,602 Flip Flops applications.