The 16-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) package contains it. Tape & Reel (TR) is the way in which it is packaged. In its configuration, Differential is used as the output. This electrical device has the logic type D-Type Transparent Latch. The electronic component is mounted according to the Surface Mount method. It operates with a supply voltage of 3V~18V. The operating temperature is -55°C~125°C. An FPGA of this type belongs to the 4000B series. This electronic part is designed with 4 Bits. This device is designed with 16 terminations. There is no doubt that it belongs to the family 4042. It operates with a supply voltage of 5V. The 16 pind are equipped with it. The pin configuration of the device is 16. This electronic part is mounted in the way of Surface Mount. The part belongs to the FF/Latches subcategory. 18V is the maximum voltage (Vsup) that can be supplied. A total of 5/15V power supplies are required for it to operate. A supply voltage (Vsup) greater than 3V is required. An electronic circuit can be found on 4 input lines. Based on its reliable performance, this device is well suited to TAPE AND REEL. Without external influences, it consumes 6nA of quiescent current.
MC14042BDR2 Features
16-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) package 4000B series 4 Bits 4042 family 16 pin count 16 pins 5/15V power supplies
MC14042BDR2 Applications
There are a lot of ON Semiconductor MC14042BDR2 Latches applications.