The embedded microprocessor has been packed in 324-LFBGA for convenient overseas shipping. A CPU with 3 Core 32-Bit cores and width 3 Core 32-Bit busses is used. Understand how the operating temperature around -40°C~85°C TA is determined. This is a member of the RZ/N1D series. With a core count of ARM® Cortex®-A7, ARM® Cortex®-M3, this CPU is multicore. A CPU with this architecture uses DDR2, DDR3 RAM controllers. The CPU runs at 1.5V 1.8V 2.5V 3.3V when it comes to I/O.
R9A06G032VGBA#AC0 Features
ARM® Cortex®-A7, ARM® Cortex®-M3 Core
R9A06G032VGBA#AC0 Applications
There are a lot of Renesas Electronics America R9A06G032VGBA#AC0 Microprocessor applications.