20-SOIC (0.209, 5.30mm Width)is the packaging method. As part of the package Tube, it is embedded. T flip flop uses Tri-State, Non-Invertedas its output configuration. This trigger uses the value Positive Edge. This electronic part is mounted in the way of Surface Mount. With a supply voltage of 2V~3.6V volts, it operates. It is operating at -40°C~85°C TA. This electronic flip flop is of type D-Type. In FPGA terms, D flip flop is a type of 74LCXseries FPGA. Its output frequency should not exceed 150MHz Hz. A total of 1 elements are present. During its operation, it consumes 10μA quiescent energy. This JK flip flop has a 7pFfarad input capacitance.
74LCX574SJ Features
Tube package 74LCX series
74LCX574SJ Applications
There are a lot of Rochester Electronics, LLC 74LCX574SJ Flip Flops applications.