SOIC contains it. Rail/Tube is the way it is packaged. Electronic parts with 4 bits are designed for this application. In this device, there are 16 terminations. With a supply voltage of 5V, it operates. The device is equipped with 16 pins. It is a member of the LS family of electronic devices. There are 16 pins on it. The electronic part is mounted using the Surface Mount method. The part belongs to the FF/Latches subcategory. A total of 5V power supplies are required for it to operate. High efficiency requires a voltage supply of 5V. The element count is 2. There is 8mA output current at the low level. There is -400μA output current at the high level. Lower than 70°C is the ideal operating temperature. Temperatures higher than 0°C should be used for operation. 5.25V is the maximum voltage it supports. A voltage of 4.75V is the minimum supply voltage required for it to operate. It uses the logic IC D LATCH. With an output current of 8mA, it is highly flexible in terms of design.
SN74LS75DE4 Features
SOIC package 4 Bits 16 pin count 16 pins 5V power supplies 2 elements
SN74LS75DE4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments SN74LS75DE4 Latches applications.