In the SOIC package, it is embedded. There are 8 bits in this electronic part. This device has 20 terminations. The device works with a voltage of 3.3V for its supply voltage. With 20 pins, it is equipped. LVT is the family of this electronic device. The 20 pins are designed into it. Surface Mount is used to mount this electronic part. This device has 2 ports. Electronic circuits comprise 8 input lines. Based on its reliable performance, this device is well suited to TUBE. In order to achieve high efficiency, the supply voltage should be kept at 3.3V. There are 1 elements in it. When the maximum power current (ICC) is supplied for its operation, it reaches 5mA. 32mA is the low level output current. -32mA is the high level output current. Ideally, the operating temperature should be lower than 85°C. It is recommended to operate at a temperature higher than -40°C. The maximum supply voltage is 3.6V. With a minimum supply voltage of 2.7V, it operates. BUS DRIVER is the logic IC it uses. Due to its 64mA output current, it offers maximum design flexibility.