Space-saving reasons have led to it being packaged in a SOIC package. Signals are prevented from reflecting off the transmission line's terminations by using 16 terminations. Digital signals are converted from analog signals using 1 A/D converters. This device operates on 5V volts as its supply voltage. The power supply for this device is +-5V. In order to convert digital signals into analog signals, there are 2 D/A converters. In order to maintain normal use, the operating temperature is set to 85°C. To maintain normal use, the operating temperature is set to -40°C. The ground of the circuit is more negative in polarity than the -5V supply voltage. In this case, the value of FULL DUPLEX is characteristic of it.
TP13057ADW Features
Embedded in the SOIC package 1 A/D converters FULL DUPLEX
TP13057ADW Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments TP13057ADW CODECs Interface ICs applications.