Packed in 6-TSSOP, SC-88, SOT-363, the electronic component is convenient for shipping overseas. This packaging method provides high reliability because it uses advanced packaging techniques. It is mounted in the position Surface Mount. The ratio between the number of multiplexer and demultiplexer circuits is 2:1. Around -40°C~85°C TA is the extended operating temperature. A total of 6 terminations have been recorded. By its 1 channels, the electronic component provides high-quality output. If the voltage supply is 1.8V volts, the electrical component should be turned on and run. As part of its design, the 6 series is equipped with this electronic component. These analog multiplexers are built based on SPDT switching circuits. There are 1 circuits in this multiplexer. Use TS5A3159 to search for variants of the digital switches. Analog switches have 1.1Ohm internal resistance. To find out what the 6 pins do, please refer to the datasheets. In this analog multiplexer, the value is Multiplexer or Switches. Users shouldn't supply more than 5.5V voltage to the switch device. Analogue multiplexers of the Single supply type that are cost-effective. The lowest voltage the electronic part should receive is 1.65V. An operating current of 100nA would be sufficient for this switch device. This analogue multiplexer requires a voltage of 1.65V~5.5V when it drains from a single voltage supply. If you put voltage higher than 50nA on the digital multiplexer, damage may occur. A total of SEPARATE OUTPUT outputs are available on this analog switch ic. The transfer of data can be performed over 100MHz bandwidths.
TS5A3159ADCKRG4 Features
1 Channels Switch Circuit: SPDT 100nA Supply Current Bandwidth: 100MHz
TS5A3159ADCKRG4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments TS5A3159ADCKRG4 Analog Switches & Multiplexers ICs applications.
Remote wireless modules
USB 1.1 signal switching circuits
Short/Medium Loop: approximately 2000 ft. of 26 AWG and 5 REN loads