This MCUs belongs to the ConnectCore® Series of MCUs.177MHz frequency can still be used accurately.Microprocessor has the Module package.70°C is the maximum operational temperature at this time.As microprocessor operates, microprocessor should be warmer than 0°C.Powered by 3.3V volts, this microcontrollers operates on DC DC power.A value of EEPROM, FLASH, NAND, SDRAM has been selected for data storage.A memory of 128MB is embedded in the microchips, and this memory can be used to store data and programs.
CC-9P-T237-Z1-B Features
CC-9P-T237-Z1-B Applications
There are a lot of Digi CC-9P-T237-Z1-B Microcontroller, Microprocessor, FPGA Modules applications.