A device's maximum input capacitance is 55.2pF @ 16V, but its input capacitance parameter, CI, is measured as the capacitance between the input terminals of the device with either input grounded.Its continuous drain current is 250mA for this device. Drain current refers to the capacity of the device to conduct continuous current.Single MOSFETs transistor is the voltage at which VDS flows at a specified ID value, wSingle MOSFETs transistorh VGS=20V, and this device has a drain-to-source breakdown voltage of 20V voltage.A device's turn-off delay time is the amount of time it takes to charge its input capacitance before drain current conduction can begin, which is 22 ns.Before drain current conduction begins, the device's input capacitance must be charged, so the delay time is 3.5 ns.Generally, the gate-source voltage (VGS) of a FET transistor is the voltage across its gate-source terminal, which is 8V.This device uses no drive voltage (1.2V 4.5V) to reduce its overall power consumption.
DMN2990UFZ-7B Features
a continuous drain current (ID) of 250mA a drain-to-source breakdown voltage of 20V voltage the turn-off delay time is 22 ns
DMN2990UFZ-7B Applications
There are a lot of Diodes Incorporated DMN2990UFZ-7B applications of single MOSFETs transistors.
Power Tools
Motor Drives and Uninterruptible Power Supples
Synchronous Rectification
Battery Protection Circuit
Telecom 1 Sever Power Supplies
Industrial Power Supplies
PFC stages, hard switching PWM stages and resonant switching
PWM stages for e.g. PC Silverbox, Adapter, LCD & PDP TV,