A device's maximal input capacitance is 10900pF @ 25V, which is defined as the capacitance between its input terminals with either input grounded.This device's continuous drain current (ID) is 102A, which represents the maximum continuous current it can conduct.This transistor requires a 650V drain to source voltage (Vdss).This device reduces its overall power consumption by using drive voltage (10V).
IXTX102N65X2 Features
a continuous drain current (ID) of 102A a 650V drain to source voltage (Vdss)
IXTX102N65X2 Applications
There are a lot of IXYS IXTX102N65X2 applications of single MOSFETs transistors.
Consumer Appliances
Uninterruptible Power Supply
AC-DC Power Supply
Synchronous Rectification for ATX 1 Server I Telecom PSU