The electronic component is convenient to ship overseas because it is packed in a 14-DIP (0.300, 7.62mm). A high level of reliability can be achieved through the use of an advanced packaging method Tube. This analog switch is mounted in Through Hole. The ratio between the number of multiplexer and demultiplexer circuits is 4:1. Extended operating temperature around 0°C~70°C TA. The total number of terminations is 14. The electronic part provides high-quality output because it has 4 channels. When the electronic component is given a voltage of 15V, it should be turned on and run. Electronic part bodies are injected with 14 pins. SP4T switching circuits are used in these analog switch ics. 1 circuits are used in this analogue multiplexer. Using the MAX4534 search parameter, you can discover variants of the switch. As far as internal resistance is concerned, it has 400Ohm. Datasheets for 14 pin functions are available upon request. In this analog multiplexer, the value is Multiplexer or Switches. In normalcircumstances, users should not exceed 36V volts for the multiplexer. It is recommended to use 9V as the lowest voltage for the electrical part. It is possible to supply this switch device with dual voltages. However, it is not advisable to exceed 20V. The voltage should be at least 4.5V if you are using dual power supplies. There is an integrated analog IC SINGLE-ENDED MULTIPLEXER in the module.
MAX4534CPD Features
4 Channels Switch Circuit: SP4T
MAX4534CPD Applications
There are a lot of Maxim Integrated MAX4534CPD Analog Switches & Multiplexers ICs applications.
Sample hold systems
RGB switches
Central office
Short/Medium Loop: approximately 2000 ft. of 26 AWG and 5 REN loads