TC8020K6-G Description
The Supertex TC8020 consists of six pairs of high voltage, low threshold N- and P-channel MOSFETs in a 56-lead QFN package. All MOSFETs have integrated gate-to-source resistors and gate-to-source Zener diode clamps which are desired for high voltage pulser applications. The complimentary, high-speed, high voltage, gate-clamped N- and P-channel MOSFET pairs utilize an advanced vertical DMOS structure and Supertex’s wellproven silicon-gate manufacturing process. This combination produces a device with the power handling capabilities of bipolar transistors and with the high input impedance and positive temperature coefficient inherent in MOS devices.
TC8020K6-G Features
► High voltage, vertical DMOS technology
► Integrated gate-to-source resistor
► Integrated gate-to-source Zener diode
► Typical peak output +/-3.5A at 50V
► Low threshold, low on-resistance
► Low input & output capacitance
► Fast switching speeds
► Electrically isolated N- and P-MOSFET pairs
TC8020K6-G Applications
► High voltage pulsers
► Amplifiers
► Buffers
► Piezoelectric transducer drivers
► General purpose line drivers
► Logic level interfaces