In the package 896-BGA, this product is provided. This kind of FPGA is composed of FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY. The device has 620 I/O ports for more coherent data transfer. 1.2V volts power it. There is a Field Programmable Gate Arrays family component in this FPGA part. The Surface Mount-slot on the development board allows you to attach the FPGA module. There is a 1.14V~1.575V-volt supply voltage required for the device to operate. It is a type of FPGA that belongs to the ProASIC3L series of FPGAs. In order to ensure a safe and efficient operation, it is important to maintain a temperature within -40°C~100°C TJ at all times. There are 620 outputs incorporated in this device. Unlike other FPGA models, this one is contained in Tray for the sake of space saving. As a whole, it has 896 terminations. Having a RAM bit size of 516096 means that this device will offer you a lot of memory. In order to find related parts, you can use its base part number M1A3PE3000L. The FPGA module's RAM si63kBe reaches 63kB in order to ensure that the program operates in a normal manner. It has a total of 896 pins that are designed for it. I think, as long as this FPGA is mounted in Surface Mount, it could perform excellently according to its specifications as long as you mount it in Surface Mount. The 1.2V supply voltage provides designers with full flexibility in their designs. A basic building block for this type of building block consists of 3000000 gates. The structure of the registers used to store and transfer data consists of 75264 registers. Fpga semiconductor is possible for this FPGA to reach speeds of up to 892.86MHz. The supply current used for its operation is 25mA.
M1A3PE3000L-1FG896I Features
620 I/Os Up to 516096 RAM bits 896 LABs/CLBs 75264 registers
M1A3PE3000L-1FG896I Applications
There are a lot of Microsemi Corporation M1A3PE3000L-1FG896I FPGAs applications.