14-TSSOP (0.173, 4.40mm Width)is the way it is packaged. As part of the package Tape & Reel (TR), it is embedded. It is configured with Differentialas an output. It is configured with the trigger Positive Edge. Surface Mountis occupied by this electronic component. Powered by a 3V~15Vvolt supply, it operates as follows. In the operating environment, the temperature is -40°C~125°C TA. A flip flop of this type is classified as a D-Type. This type of FPGA is a part of the Automotive, AEC-Q100, 4000B series. This D flip flop should not have a frequency greater than 40MHz. In total, it contains 2 elements. There is 4μA quiescent consumption. There are 14 terminations,You can search similar parts based on 4013. It is powered from a supply voltage of 5V. Its input capacitance is 7.5pFfarads. The electronic part is mounted in the way of Surface Mount. It is designed with 14 pins. This device has the clock edge trigger type of Positive Edge. If you want to maintain normal operation, you should keep the supply voltage (Vsup) above 3V.