FDMC8360L is an N-channel Power MOSFET transistor from the manufacturer ON Semiconductor with a drain to source voltage of 40V. The operating temperature of FDMC8360L is -55??C~150??C TJ and its maximum power dissipation is 2.3W Ta. The Shielded Gate technology combined with a cutting-edge PowerTrench? technique is used to create this N-Channel MOSFET. This procedure maintains excellent switching performance while being tuned for the on-state resistance.
FDMC8360L Features
Shielded Gate MOSFET Technology
Max rDS(on) = 2.1 m|? at VGS = 10 V, ID = 27 A
Max rDS(on) = 3.1 m|? at VGS = 4.5 V, ID = 22 A
High performance technology for extremely low rDS(on)