NTMFS4983NFT1G is a 30v Single N-Channel Power MOSFET. The onsemi NTMFS4983NFT1G can be applied in CPU Power Delivery, Synchronous Rectification for DC?DC Converters, Low Side Switching, and Telecom Secondary Side Rectification applications due to the following features. The Operating and Storage Temperature Range is between -55 and 150℃. And the MOSFET NTMFS4983NFT1G is in the SO-8FL-4 package with 7.7W power dissipation.
NTMFS4983NFT1G Features
Integrated Schottky Diode
Low rDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Loss
Low Capacitance to Minimize Driver Losses
Optimized Gate Charge to Minimize Switching Losses