The SOIC package contains it. 8 Bits are used in the design of this electronic part. This device is designed with 20 terminations. A 5V voltage supply is required for operation. 20 pins are provided. AHCT/VHCT/VT is the family name of this electronic device. 20 pins are used in its design. Mounting this electronic component follows the Surface Mount method. 2 ports are available on this device. Subcategory FF/Latches includes this part. 5V power supplies are needed to operate it. High efficiency requires maintaining the supply voltage at 5V. The circuit's superior flexibility is achieved through the use of 8 circuits. There is also BROADSIDE VERSION OF 373 characteristics to it. 8mA is set as the low level output current. -8mA is set as the high level output current. A temperature below 125°C should be used for operation. It is recommended that the operating temperature be higher than -40°C. It supports a maximum supply voltage of 5.5V. The minimal supply voltage is 4.5V. A BUS DRIVER logic IC is used. As the output current is 8mA, the design flexibility is maximum.