The FGH40T120SMD-F155 is an IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) from ON Semiconductor. It is a single IGBT with a maximum voltage rating of 1200V and a maximum current rating of 80A. It has a maximum power dissipation of 555W and is packaged in a TO247-3 package.
• Maximum voltage rating of 1200V • Maximum current rating of 80A • Maximum power dissipation of 555W • Packaged in a TO247-3 package • Low gate charge • Low on-state resistance • High switching speed • High surge current capability
The FGH40T120SMD-F155 IGBT is suitable for a wide range of applications, including motor control, power conversion, and power switching. It is also suitable for use in high-power switching applications such as welding, UPS, and solar inverters.