STGWA80H65DFB Description
The STGWA80H65DFB is an IGBT developed using an advanced proprietary trench gate field stop structure. The transistor STGWA80H65DFB is part of the new HB series of IGBTs, which represents an optimum compromise between conduction and switching loss to maximize the efficiency of any frequency converter. Furthermore, the slightly positive VCE(sat) temperature coefficient and very tight parameter distribution result in safer paralleling
STGWA80H65DFB Features
Maximum junction temperature: TJ = 175 °C
High-speed switching series
Minimized tail current
Low saturation voltage: VCE(sat) = 1.6 V (typ.) @ IC = 80 A
Tight parameter distribution
Safe paralleling
Positive VCE(sat) temperature coefficient
Low thermal resistance
Very fast soft recovery antiparallel diode
STGWA80H65DFB Applications
Photovoltaic inverters
High-frequency converters
Hybrid, electric & powertrain systems
Enterprise systems
Datacenter & enterprise computing
Personal electronics
Home theater & entertainment