2SK3702 is a 60v N-Channel Silicon MOSFET. Due to the following features, the onsemi 2SK3702 can be applied in DC / DC Converter Applications. The operating junction and storage temperature are between -55 and 150??. The MOSFET 2SK3702 is in the TO-220ML package with 25W power dissipation.
2SK3702 Features
Isolated Package
High Voltage Isolation = 2.5 kV RMS (t = 60s; f = 60Hz)
Sink to Lead Creepage Distance = 4.8 mm
175 ??C Operating Temperature
Dynamic dV/dt Rating
Low Thermal Resistance
Lead (Pb)-free Avail
2SK3702 Applications
Cellular phones
Laptop computers
Photovoltaic systems
Wind turbines
Shunt voltage regulator and the series voltage regulator