The IHW30N160R2FKSA1 is a TrenchStop? Reverse Conducting (RC-)IGBT with monolithic body diode. An IGBT is a semiconductor having three terminals that functions as a switch for shifting electrical current, as characterized by the word "transistor". When voltage is given to the gate, it opens (or "turns on") and creates a passage for current to flow across the layers, just as the word "gate" implies.
? NPT technology offers easy parallel switching capability due to positive temperature coefficient in VCE(sat)
? Low EMI
? Qualified according to JEDEC1 for target applications
? Pb-free lead plating; RoHS compliant
? Powerful monolithic Body Diode with very low forward voltage
? Body diode clamps negative voltages
? Trench and Fieldstop technology for 1600 V applications offers:
- Very tight parameter distribution
- High ruggedness, temperature stable behavior
? Inductive Cooking
? Soft Switching Applications
? Microwave Ovens
? Inverter Circuit
? Industrial Motors
? Automotive